duck hunting basis

Basis of Duck Hunting

Duck hunting has so many angles, that it has both the safe and easy degrees as well as the other ones, and by and large it is the most fascinating sport of all with the shotgun. Shooting over decoys, “pass” shooting, “jumping” ducks, “tolling” ducks, and shooting from a battery, make up the principal ways…

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duck call

Duck Calling, The Art of Calling Ducks

Duck Calling Many and diversified are the opinions of duck shooters as to the merits of a duck call, regardless of how it is made or who blows it. Some insist that at best it is a detriment, while you find others who think a good bag is impossible without a call in the blind. A friend…

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wild duck hunting

Wild Ducks..Waterfowl Facts

Wild ducks are marvelously swift and true fliers. Tlie canvasback has been called the swiftest flier of the duck family, but the redhead, bluebill, green and blue-wing teal are nearly as swift. While the mallard is comparatively slow in flight, they describe many beautiful curves and gyrations in alighting. In spring-time, when the bottom lands are…

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